Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rolling around in my mind

"From low to WHOOOAAAA"
-Clea, describing the speed settings on a vibrator

Some interesting things have happened the past week.

Cowboys lost. BOOOO!

Sharks have won their first 3 games. YAY!!!!

Yankees got knocked out. LAUGH!!!! How can you be the highest paid team in sports and lose in the first round. (I don't like baseball but this is just funny)

Tests, tests and more tests. Thankfully it will all be over tomorrow.

Today in Sex we had a presentation from Passionate Playthings. We got to see all sorts of sex toys, lubes, books, and other sex related items. It was fun. I got a business card from them, a few items struck me as great items for a few people I know. I also got to try a few lotions and stuff. I got to taste Nipple Nibbler, a eatable balm you put on a woman's nipples. It has a cool tingly feeling and tastes like strawberry's. I put some on my lips which gave me this interesting feeling for about 20 mins. I couldn't decide if I liked it or not.

Random stuff:
I had a dentist appointment on Monday morning. The woman, a young 27 Viet girl who was pretty cute, ended up talking to me about drinking and stuff. Her favorite was The Hulk or LA Water. Neither of them I had heard of before but she explained them and told me they were really good. She used to work in a bar and the bartenders taught her how to mix a few things. It was nice chatting to someone about drinking preferences and such although it was hard for me to answer her with her hands in my mouth. Really, dentists need to realize that people can't talk when we have metal objects in our mouth.

On Friday night as I was walking home from Burger King I passed by a familiar face but blew it off thinking it couldn't be her. When I reached the outside of my complex I saw the all to familiar blue corolla. Sure enough Lori's mom recognized me and I walked over to her car and chatted with her. Moments later Kelly, who I had passed earlier, came to the car. We talked about standard things. How are you doing, how's school, etc etc. It was awkward a bit since I hadn't talked to them in over a year. They both said I lost a lot of weight and I looked good, it always feels good to hear people compliment you.

The following night I had a crazy dream. Long story short, I ran into Lori at the grocery store and she said she needed my help. I woke up afterwords. Perhaps I should give her a call or perhaps my mind is just fucking with me again. It seems to me my mind always dreams of things that I don't think about consciously. I wonder if it's just my mind being out of wack or if it's trying to tell me something.

In a somewhat related topic I've been thinking about what if a girl I liked actually asked me out. Would I say yes? I recently came to the conclusion that if most of the women I liked asked me out, I would most likely say no. I know that seems weird, cause if I like them, then why wouldn't I take that chance, but I realized that while I'm physically attracted to them and they definitely have some personality traits I truly enjoy, I dunno if they are what I would consider the complete package.

See, what I think a lot of men don't realize is that men don't need women, women need men. What? I'll say it again, men don't need women, women need men. See, when men look for women, physical attraction is usually the first thing they look for and is often the most important. I know, not EVERY guy is like this obviously but it's the general rule. Women on the other hand look for much more. A guy that has in life in order, knows where he is going in life, is emotionally stable, is funny, well dressed, good conversationalist, physically healthy, etc etc. Now if you think about it, how many pretty women do you know? I not talking drop dead gorgeous but pretty. I'm betting quite a few. Guess what, we all know women that are pretty because there are tons of them. On the other hand, how many guys do you know that are everything I described above. I betting not many, the truth is, there aren't a whole lot of guys who are "the total package". In fact, I can only think of a couple that I know of. For the most part, guys are lacking in one area or the other. Most women tend to over look this and end up settling for a guy that's kind of close to what they want. This is a factor in why divorce rate is so high, poor mate selection. (I know the divorce rate is down, but that's cause the marriage rate is down, the actually % is up.) To come back full circle to me, many of the women I've taken a liking to aren't exactly what I'm looking for. They may posses some qualities, but they are lacking in others. Some may say I'm being picky, but in my opinion, if I'm going to be with someone, I want to pick someone who is going to complitment the relationship and bring what I think is necessary for a strong, successful relationship. It's unfortunate that many of the girls I know have no idea how to maintain a real relationship.

Now I am now where near the complete package. I still have alot of areas in my life I need to straighten out, but once I do have them straight finding the right woman will become alot easier.

After finishing my Interpersonal communication class, I feel like I am better prepared to be in a relationship and now better understand what it takes to make it reach it's full potential. I just hope I can find a girl who understands and can do the same thing.

And that's what's been rolling around in my mind.


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