A Town Called Hypocrisy
Can you take this broken boy?
And put the pieces back as one?
Though he has all of his toys...
He is never having fun
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so...
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
Can you take this lonely girl?
I pick her up from off the ground
'cause theres no pride, to be found
When you follow sheep around
And no future here, no future
For us in this town
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so...
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
-A Town Called Hypocrisy by The LostProphets
So it's been awhile since my last update.
The Sharks and Cowboys have been winning. HOORAY.
My dad left for Sweden so I have the house for a couple of weeks.
I got a hair cut. It certainly is different.
I got a couple of books that I've been reading. One book is Sleeping With the Devil. It describes how the Saudi's basically own America. The other book is called the Progress Paradox which breaks down that even though life in America is vastly improved over the past several decades, we are not happier. Depression, suicide, divorce, etc etc are all on the rise. In other words, materials =/= happiness. God Bless America.
School has been surreal. On Tuesday as I was biking into the school parking lot I saw cops standing around a grey sedan with a tarp over it. The cops were tapping the area over. I later found out that a student had either committed suicide or had a medical condition (they are leaning towards suicide but won't release the details) which resulted in his death. The cops said there was no foul play. The kid, a 21 year old male, was found by his father that morning. He hadn't gone home the previous night and his father knew he had class in the morning and came searching for him. A girl I talked to who said that the spot he had parked in was her usual spot and she drove by him and noticed him sitting in the car with his windows down. After she realized that she had been looking at a dead body she broke down. But of course the school played it off, trying to make it as small of a deal as possible.
This was the second time I had been at a college where some one committed suicide and the second time I felt the school mishandled the situation. I've said this before and have ranted this so many times to several people. We are failing as a society. There are so many things wrong with us. From out government to our schools to our parents, everything is wrong. Yet some how we stay afloat. It catches up to us every once and a while. A soldier is killed in Iraq, a student commits suicide, a innocent bystanders is killed in a gang shoot out. It seems as though these have become common place and we as a society are content to sit on our hands. I feel like these problems can be stopped, yet few are taking steps to make that happen. Instead we sit in our SUVs with out plastic wives waving the American flag.
(Side story: I was with my dad this past weekend and we went to get some clothes from the dry cleaners. My dad likes to park in the far back to avoid being hit by some dumb ass who can't park. So we park in the far back and there's a black Expedition with some mom who's got these huge fake tits in the driver seat. This guy comes around from the passenger side and they start messing around. As we walk past their SUV we notice the "God Bless America" sticker and the "Support our Fire Fighters" sticker. My dad then turns to me and says 10 bucks says that guy isn't her husband and he's just fucking her. I took the bet and as we came from the cleaners they were still there. The guy had his head between her tits while she was laughing. My dad then said look at their hands. She had a ring, he didn't. I argued that wasn't enough evidence. My dad then pointed out that
A) she had been driving so it's probably not his car
B) fake tits and SUV are probably from her husband to compensate for their shitty relationship
B) the guy doesn't look like a fire fighter, my dad worked with fire fighters for 15 years, they all look the same and he didn't have the look
I still wasn't convinced. As my dad turned on the car and I rolled down the windows her cell phone went off. She told the guy to be quiet and answered the phone "Hi Honey". I shouldn't have taken that bet)
I've been working on my writings, so many stories, so little time. I'm going to make an effort this coming week to play less video games and finish a few stories. I'll try to post one on here.
I've been ranting a lot the past week. The 14th came and went. The day it self didn't bother me but I've been on edge since then. I keep thinking about calling her, but I don't and I probably won't.
Speaking of girls. I've also been spending a lot of time thinking about all the girls I've ever been interested in. It's an eclectic group. They have little to nothing in common. From blondes/brunettes, tall/short, you name it. I've been criticized for my selection in women and recently I my self have been wondering just what is up with my selection. I'll admit, to the average joe, they aren't "OMG HOT" but to me they are. I guess I see something that most guys would miss. At the same time I know that they aren't exactly perfect and I've wondered if any of them is the entire package in which I seek. While I've pondered that I concluded the simple fact is that I'm not with any of them and I'm not going to be with any of them. For one reason or another, it just won't work out. So I've been looking for reasons to forget them and start over. So far, I think I've had some success.
I've never been happy single and these past few years have been hard but I think I'm finally coming around. My goal in life has always been to have a wife and kids but I realize that I may not reach that and instead should set something more reasonable as my goal. So here it is.
I want to live tomorrow and every day after that.
I had a nightmare yesterday that I had to save everyone I knew from a sinister bio lab. I've always felt the need to help people yet I realize how little I can do and I get so frustrated I rather just destroy the whole world. There are so many people that need help all around me, yet no one else will reach out to them and they themselves won't even ask for help. I just want to end it, end all the pain and suffering, if it means working through and solving the problems or if it means bringing a beautiful oblivion to this world. I just want it to stop.

Is this the answer? I fear that in our current direction, it will be.
And put the pieces back as one?
Though he has all of his toys...
He is never having fun
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so...
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
Can you take this lonely girl?
I pick her up from off the ground
'cause theres no pride, to be found
When you follow sheep around
And no future here, no future
For us in this town
Because it's not enough
Now we're growing up
We are giving up
We are moving on
Because its not enough
We were growing up
We are giving up
And I won't hear what you say so...
Save your sympathy
Who do you think you're fooling?
Everything is dead!
Now you welcome me,
To a town called hypocrisy
-A Town Called Hypocrisy by The LostProphets
So it's been awhile since my last update.
The Sharks and Cowboys have been winning. HOORAY.
My dad left for Sweden so I have the house for a couple of weeks.
I got a hair cut. It certainly is different.
I got a couple of books that I've been reading. One book is Sleeping With the Devil. It describes how the Saudi's basically own America. The other book is called the Progress Paradox which breaks down that even though life in America is vastly improved over the past several decades, we are not happier. Depression, suicide, divorce, etc etc are all on the rise. In other words, materials =/= happiness. God Bless America.
School has been surreal. On Tuesday as I was biking into the school parking lot I saw cops standing around a grey sedan with a tarp over it. The cops were tapping the area over. I later found out that a student had either committed suicide or had a medical condition (they are leaning towards suicide but won't release the details) which resulted in his death. The cops said there was no foul play. The kid, a 21 year old male, was found by his father that morning. He hadn't gone home the previous night and his father knew he had class in the morning and came searching for him. A girl I talked to who said that the spot he had parked in was her usual spot and she drove by him and noticed him sitting in the car with his windows down. After she realized that she had been looking at a dead body she broke down. But of course the school played it off, trying to make it as small of a deal as possible.
This was the second time I had been at a college where some one committed suicide and the second time I felt the school mishandled the situation. I've said this before and have ranted this so many times to several people. We are failing as a society. There are so many things wrong with us. From out government to our schools to our parents, everything is wrong. Yet some how we stay afloat. It catches up to us every once and a while. A soldier is killed in Iraq, a student commits suicide, a innocent bystanders is killed in a gang shoot out. It seems as though these have become common place and we as a society are content to sit on our hands. I feel like these problems can be stopped, yet few are taking steps to make that happen. Instead we sit in our SUVs with out plastic wives waving the American flag.
(Side story: I was with my dad this past weekend and we went to get some clothes from the dry cleaners. My dad likes to park in the far back to avoid being hit by some dumb ass who can't park. So we park in the far back and there's a black Expedition with some mom who's got these huge fake tits in the driver seat. This guy comes around from the passenger side and they start messing around. As we walk past their SUV we notice the "God Bless America" sticker and the "Support our Fire Fighters" sticker. My dad then turns to me and says 10 bucks says that guy isn't her husband and he's just fucking her. I took the bet and as we came from the cleaners they were still there. The guy had his head between her tits while she was laughing. My dad then said look at their hands. She had a ring, he didn't. I argued that wasn't enough evidence. My dad then pointed out that
A) she had been driving so it's probably not his car
B) fake tits and SUV are probably from her husband to compensate for their shitty relationship
B) the guy doesn't look like a fire fighter, my dad worked with fire fighters for 15 years, they all look the same and he didn't have the look
I still wasn't convinced. As my dad turned on the car and I rolled down the windows her cell phone went off. She told the guy to be quiet and answered the phone "Hi Honey". I shouldn't have taken that bet)
I've been working on my writings, so many stories, so little time. I'm going to make an effort this coming week to play less video games and finish a few stories. I'll try to post one on here.
I've been ranting a lot the past week. The 14th came and went. The day it self didn't bother me but I've been on edge since then. I keep thinking about calling her, but I don't and I probably won't.
Speaking of girls. I've also been spending a lot of time thinking about all the girls I've ever been interested in. It's an eclectic group. They have little to nothing in common. From blondes/brunettes, tall/short, you name it. I've been criticized for my selection in women and recently I my self have been wondering just what is up with my selection. I'll admit, to the average joe, they aren't "OMG HOT" but to me they are. I guess I see something that most guys would miss. At the same time I know that they aren't exactly perfect and I've wondered if any of them is the entire package in which I seek. While I've pondered that I concluded the simple fact is that I'm not with any of them and I'm not going to be with any of them. For one reason or another, it just won't work out. So I've been looking for reasons to forget them and start over. So far, I think I've had some success.
I've never been happy single and these past few years have been hard but I think I'm finally coming around. My goal in life has always been to have a wife and kids but I realize that I may not reach that and instead should set something more reasonable as my goal. So here it is.
I want to live tomorrow and every day after that.
I had a nightmare yesterday that I had to save everyone I knew from a sinister bio lab. I've always felt the need to help people yet I realize how little I can do and I get so frustrated I rather just destroy the whole world. There are so many people that need help all around me, yet no one else will reach out to them and they themselves won't even ask for help. I just want to end it, end all the pain and suffering, if it means working through and solving the problems or if it means bringing a beautiful oblivion to this world. I just want it to stop.

Is this the answer? I fear that in our current direction, it will be.
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