I used to guzzle 40's, and own a beat up Caddy
Since the hood still love me, I'll turn the heat up daddy
I went from mackin fly honies on the train
to straight relaxin on the beach, countin money gettin brain
Soon as you rappers get a chance you wanna floss a lot
You buy a iced out watch because it cost a lot
Then you in the club, stylin with dough
Profilin with hoes that we boned, a while ago
You rookies haven't done enough laps around the track
You had one hot single, but then your album sounds wack
Son you bore me with your war stories
You ain't even do that shit, so that's just more stories
How you expect us to take you seriously?
The look in my eye punk, has got you scared of me
I'm blastin your sons, I'm snatchin your funds
You catch a royal ass-whoopin, you've been askin for one
Bitch you don't even know, the half about me
I bring it straight to your chest, ask your staff about me
I'm just a little bit older, plus a whole lot wiser
I might advise ya, or I might pulverize ya
I can visit any city, get respect in the street
While you alone in your room, shook to death of the streets
I'll take a second to speak, I keep my weapon in reach
I ain't talkin romance but you'll get swept off your feet
I keeps a ghetto chick, that loves to blast and she peddle shit
Groupies fake moves, I get her to settle shit
You can't compare to the status right here
Legendary worldwide, we can battle right here
Listen junior, I'ma tear back your wig
This ain't TV but I'll show you what a "Fear Factor" is
Stop grillin me, and all that frontin is killin me
You leave me no choice but to hurt your feelings G
-Battle by GangStarr
So, it's been a months since I last updated. Time flies. Schools been boring. Busy with lots of stuff.
Sharks are doing so-so. Only a few weeks till the play offs start, hopefully they will right the ship.
The only other major development the past few weeks have been my debate tournaments.
My first tournament was 2 weeks ago. It lasted 3 days and it was an awesome opening tournament.
It was debate and I was partnered with Natalie and Cameron. For Natalie and I, it was our first tourny, for Cameron it was her 3rd. The way parliamentary debate works is it is a 2 v 2 debate. One side the is the government, the other is the opposition. Before the round we are given 3 resolutions. The government strikes down one, the opposition strikes down one, and we debate what ever is left over. The government must then uphold the resolution while the opposition proves the government is wrong. There are a total of six speeches given in one round. Two given by the Prime Minister (leader of the government, PM), two by the Leader of the Opposition (LO), one by the Member of Gov (MG) and one by the Member of Opp. (MO)
The order follows as so with the length of each speech under:
7 8 8 8 4 5
The first 4 speeches are called Constructive because you can add new arguments. The final 2 speeches are rebuttals in which you can't add anything new to the debate but rather you explain to the judge why your team won. As you can see after the Member of Opp speaks, the Leader of Opp gets to speak, this is called the Opp block which can be used very effectively to destroy the Gov. But the Gov also gets the last word.
Round 1:
Debaters: Natalie and I
Side: Government
Resolution: This House believes capital punishment should be abolished
Outcome: We lost this round because they made it about Justice and we made it more of a money issue. We should of gone a different direction but it was our first debate and we thought 25 billion dollars outweighed 300 lives, but I guess not.
Round 2:
Debaters: Cameron and I
Side: Opposition
resolution: US patriotism is no better than Islamic Fundualmentalism
Outcome: This was a pretty easy win for us. All we had to prove that Islamic Fundalmentalism was worse. The government tried to say that US patriotism has led to mass death, except they used examples of Germany, which has no relevance because that was another country. In my final speech I just told the judge that people putting a US flag on their car does not compare to people blowing them selves up.
Round 3:
Debaters: Cameron and Natalie
Side: Opposition
resolution: It is better to crash the clock than to grease the cogs
Outcome: This was one of those metaphor rounds. Basically the government can define the terms to mean what ever they want. It makes it tough for the opposition because you can't really prepare for what they are going to throw at you. In this case, the gov ran that they should remove the JoC. Natalie and Cameron had no idea what the JoC was and it didn't look good. While Natalie was giving her MO speech, the other team got cocky and asked a point of information. They then asked her if she even knew what the JoC was. She simply said "I don't know, I'm just going off of what you told us which was very vague." And that pretty much turned the entire debate around. See one thing you never want to get caught on is vagueness not to mention the fact it made them look like total jerks. After the debate the judge asked the gov if they knew what the JoC was, the guy who asked the question said he was in the military to which the judge replied, "Are you sure?". Owned
Round 4:
Debaters: Natalie and I
Side: Government
Resolution: This House believes you can't handle the truth.
Outcome: Well, I came up with a really tricky idea. I defined this house as people with secrets who are in relationships. So I made the whole debate about relationships. The other team got really pissed and ran a resolutionality on us, which means they accused us of not being true to the resolution. The problem was I didn't understand enough debate theory, but neither did they. So the debate got really muddy and became sort of stupid. We ended up losing, but not for the right reasons.
It was IE day, which stands for Individual Event. I did Impromptu speaking which is when you are given 3 quotes. You then have 2 mins to pick one, think it over and then give a 5 min speech on it. I ended up going to finals and finished 4th overall. Not bad for my first time.
The last day of the tournament was LD debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate. Which is just 1 vs 1 debate. In this, unlike parliamentary, there are no classes such as Novice, Junior and Open. Instead we were all grouped together. I ended up going 2-2 and got a bronze. Pretty kick ass considering some of the competition I went against.
LAVC Spring Champs:
This time it was just Natalie and I debating. I still don't know the results of how we did exactly because I haven't read the ballots to see which judges voted for us or exactly how I did in my IE's. But I can tell you what awards we won. For parliamentary debate me and Natalie kicked ass in prelims and got a 1st round bye. In quarter finals we took it and then went on to semis were we lost 2-1. I really fucked up in Semi's and I personally felt like it was my fault for us losing. There were so many things I should of busted them on but I was like a deer in the headlights. Any ways, we ended up getting 3rd overall. For my IE's I went to finals for both Impromptu and Extemp which was cool. The award I'm most proud of though was my #1 Novice speaker award. After each round of debate they give each debater points based on arguments and presentation. These points are used to break ties, like if you have 4 teams that finish with 4-2 records, you then look at speaker points to see who moves on. So somehow I finished 1st in speaker points in novice. Pretty damn good for only my second tournament. To go from 1-2 in my first parli tournament to semifinals and 1st overall speaker in just 1 week. In the famous words of Ron Burgundy, "I'm kind of a big deal".

Awards from Cerritos

Couple of awards from Spring Champs

Team BuRo!!!!
Since the hood still love me, I'll turn the heat up daddy
I went from mackin fly honies on the train
to straight relaxin on the beach, countin money gettin brain
Soon as you rappers get a chance you wanna floss a lot
You buy a iced out watch because it cost a lot
Then you in the club, stylin with dough
Profilin with hoes that we boned, a while ago
You rookies haven't done enough laps around the track
You had one hot single, but then your album sounds wack
Son you bore me with your war stories
You ain't even do that shit, so that's just more stories
How you expect us to take you seriously?
The look in my eye punk, has got you scared of me
I'm blastin your sons, I'm snatchin your funds
You catch a royal ass-whoopin, you've been askin for one
Bitch you don't even know, the half about me
I bring it straight to your chest, ask your staff about me
I'm just a little bit older, plus a whole lot wiser
I might advise ya, or I might pulverize ya
I can visit any city, get respect in the street
While you alone in your room, shook to death of the streets
I'll take a second to speak, I keep my weapon in reach
I ain't talkin romance but you'll get swept off your feet
I keeps a ghetto chick, that loves to blast and she peddle shit
Groupies fake moves, I get her to settle shit
You can't compare to the status right here
Legendary worldwide, we can battle right here
Listen junior, I'ma tear back your wig
This ain't TV but I'll show you what a "Fear Factor" is
Stop grillin me, and all that frontin is killin me
You leave me no choice but to hurt your feelings G
-Battle by GangStarr
So, it's been a months since I last updated. Time flies. Schools been boring. Busy with lots of stuff.
Sharks are doing so-so. Only a few weeks till the play offs start, hopefully they will right the ship.
The only other major development the past few weeks have been my debate tournaments.
My first tournament was 2 weeks ago. It lasted 3 days and it was an awesome opening tournament.
It was debate and I was partnered with Natalie and Cameron. For Natalie and I, it was our first tourny, for Cameron it was her 3rd. The way parliamentary debate works is it is a 2 v 2 debate. One side the is the government, the other is the opposition. Before the round we are given 3 resolutions. The government strikes down one, the opposition strikes down one, and we debate what ever is left over. The government must then uphold the resolution while the opposition proves the government is wrong. There are a total of six speeches given in one round. Two given by the Prime Minister (leader of the government, PM), two by the Leader of the Opposition (LO), one by the Member of Gov (MG) and one by the Member of Opp. (MO)
The order follows as so with the length of each speech under:
7 8 8 8 4 5
The first 4 speeches are called Constructive because you can add new arguments. The final 2 speeches are rebuttals in which you can't add anything new to the debate but rather you explain to the judge why your team won. As you can see after the Member of Opp speaks, the Leader of Opp gets to speak, this is called the Opp block which can be used very effectively to destroy the Gov. But the Gov also gets the last word.
Round 1:
Debaters: Natalie and I
Side: Government
Resolution: This House believes capital punishment should be abolished
Outcome: We lost this round because they made it about Justice and we made it more of a money issue. We should of gone a different direction but it was our first debate and we thought 25 billion dollars outweighed 300 lives, but I guess not.
Round 2:
Debaters: Cameron and I
Side: Opposition
resolution: US patriotism is no better than Islamic Fundualmentalism
Outcome: This was a pretty easy win for us. All we had to prove that Islamic Fundalmentalism was worse. The government tried to say that US patriotism has led to mass death, except they used examples of Germany, which has no relevance because that was another country. In my final speech I just told the judge that people putting a US flag on their car does not compare to people blowing them selves up.
Round 3:
Debaters: Cameron and Natalie
Side: Opposition
resolution: It is better to crash the clock than to grease the cogs
Outcome: This was one of those metaphor rounds. Basically the government can define the terms to mean what ever they want. It makes it tough for the opposition because you can't really prepare for what they are going to throw at you. In this case, the gov ran that they should remove the JoC. Natalie and Cameron had no idea what the JoC was and it didn't look good. While Natalie was giving her MO speech, the other team got cocky and asked a point of information. They then asked her if she even knew what the JoC was. She simply said "I don't know, I'm just going off of what you told us which was very vague." And that pretty much turned the entire debate around. See one thing you never want to get caught on is vagueness not to mention the fact it made them look like total jerks. After the debate the judge asked the gov if they knew what the JoC was, the guy who asked the question said he was in the military to which the judge replied, "Are you sure?". Owned
Round 4:
Debaters: Natalie and I
Side: Government
Resolution: This House believes you can't handle the truth.
Outcome: Well, I came up with a really tricky idea. I defined this house as people with secrets who are in relationships. So I made the whole debate about relationships. The other team got really pissed and ran a resolutionality on us, which means they accused us of not being true to the resolution. The problem was I didn't understand enough debate theory, but neither did they. So the debate got really muddy and became sort of stupid. We ended up losing, but not for the right reasons.
It was IE day, which stands for Individual Event. I did Impromptu speaking which is when you are given 3 quotes. You then have 2 mins to pick one, think it over and then give a 5 min speech on it. I ended up going to finals and finished 4th overall. Not bad for my first time.
The last day of the tournament was LD debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate. Which is just 1 vs 1 debate. In this, unlike parliamentary, there are no classes such as Novice, Junior and Open. Instead we were all grouped together. I ended up going 2-2 and got a bronze. Pretty kick ass considering some of the competition I went against.
LAVC Spring Champs:
This time it was just Natalie and I debating. I still don't know the results of how we did exactly because I haven't read the ballots to see which judges voted for us or exactly how I did in my IE's. But I can tell you what awards we won. For parliamentary debate me and Natalie kicked ass in prelims and got a 1st round bye. In quarter finals we took it and then went on to semis were we lost 2-1. I really fucked up in Semi's and I personally felt like it was my fault for us losing. There were so many things I should of busted them on but I was like a deer in the headlights. Any ways, we ended up getting 3rd overall. For my IE's I went to finals for both Impromptu and Extemp which was cool. The award I'm most proud of though was my #1 Novice speaker award. After each round of debate they give each debater points based on arguments and presentation. These points are used to break ties, like if you have 4 teams that finish with 4-2 records, you then look at speaker points to see who moves on. So somehow I finished 1st in speaker points in novice. Pretty damn good for only my second tournament. To go from 1-2 in my first parli tournament to semifinals and 1st overall speaker in just 1 week. In the famous words of Ron Burgundy, "I'm kind of a big deal".

Awards from Cerritos

Couple of awards from Spring Champs

Team BuRo!!!!
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