"You have to decide: Do you want to make things happen or do you want to watch things happen? It's been my experience that most of the people who watch things happen are the ones who are usually wondering what just happened."
-Peyton Manning
It's a good quote.
I had to give a speech about a collage that describes the internal me. I found it really hard to make since I really am not sure who I am. I ended up going first and I also realized I was the only person to include negative asspects of my personality. It made me feel as if I was the only one with faults and at the same time it made me indifferent to everyone else since I know they have faults too. I guess people just like to maintain that persona of being who they are. No one likes to admit they have problems, well, except for me.
Heres my collage, you can judge it ur self:

After hearing everyones speech today I realized that almost everyone had a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. I was one of the few singles in the room. My hypothesis is that these people are taking interpersonal communication to use it in their current relationship. One woman said she was a Chiefs fan and gave me a look when she knew I was a Cowboys fan.
Speaking of the Boys. Tomorrow is the final preseason game thank God. I can't wait till the regular season starts. GO COWBOYS!
I redownloaded K++ and have begun trying to catch up on summer music I missed. I missed alot as it turned out =(
I've started reading several webcomics. I finished going through pbf, xkcd, alesson is learned, and im trying to catch back up on 8-bit (I'm on 350).
I've finally settled back into my room and I finished all my unpacking and cleaning. It's good to be home, however, I lost my keys this past week and I'll have to go to the hardware store to make a new set. I lost my Great White Shark key chain. ='( ='( ='(
As I stated before I will begin trying to post my short stories on here. So for your reading enjoyment here is the first one of the fall:
Bitter words by Michael Rodriguez
“I hate you.”
I’d said it before my mind had a chance to register the thought. After four years of endless fights between my mother and I, my secret hatred had come out. It wasn’t even a fight about anything major. I had come home late again for the 100th time from my girl friend’s house and my mom began her usual bitching about how I need to get my priorities straight and how family was more important than some girl. I’d had enough and I snapped. I felt horrible as soon as it came out but I quickly realized it was a thought that had been lurking in the back of my mind. A beast that would come out eventually.
“It’s your fault the divorce happened. I hate you.”
I could see the tears start to form in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.
“I’ve done my best to raise you and this is how you repay me? I’ve done everything I can to give you the best life possible yet you side with the man who you only see on weekends; if he’s in a good mood? When was the last time he gave you money for school or came to your concert? I’m the one who’s been there for you, not him.”
“Why do you always think its dad’s idea. This isn’t about him. This is about you and me. He may not have been supporting my financially but he’s been there for me. I talk with him more in two days then I talk with you in a year. When was the last time you asked me how I was doing? Or asked about anything that didn’t relate to grades and money. Is that all you care about? After spending all these years with you I can see why you guys got a divorce. Maybe if you hadn’t been so cold hearted we might actually have a relationship. I might still live under one roof and not have to jump from house to house. The truth is, I despise you for what you did to us.”
The tears began to stream down her cheek. She didn’t bother to wipe them away.
“The truth? You think you know everything but you’re only still in high school. You don’t know anything about the truth. I’ll tell you the truth about that man you idolize. The truth is that he cheated on me. That’s right, he turned his back to this family first.”
It took me by surprise. I could feel the air leave my lungs and I felt like I would collapse. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from her.
“No. I don’t believe you.”
I bit my lip.
She began to sob and ran from my room. I could hear her crying into her pillow down the hall.
The words left a bitter taste in my mouth. I knew she had told the truth but I didn’t want to hear it.
I hope you enjoyed that, feel free to leave comments or tell me what you thought of it. I like feed back, esp when its positive =P.
I've started posting pictures from China and I've been working on my outline of what happened. Hopefully that will come out soon.